
Please visit Google Scholar for a full list of publications.

Books edited and Book Chapters

1. Chalivendra, V., Gardea, F. (2023) Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid & Multi-functional Materials, Volume 5, Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer.

2. Chalivendra V. (2023) Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials for Sensor Applications, In: Parameswaranpillai J., Ganguly S. (eds) Polymeric Nanocomposite Materials for Sensor Applications. Woodhead Publishing: Elsevier.

3. Chalivendra V. (2022) Damage Sensing in Natural Fiber/Epoxy Composites. In: Mavinkere Rangappa S., Parameswaranpillai J., Siengchin S., Thomas S. (eds) Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites. Springer, Singapore.
4. Chalivendra, V., Beese, A.M., Berke, R. (2021) Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multifunctional Materials, Fracture, Fatigue, Failure and Damage Evolution, Volume 3, Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer.
5. Singh, R.P., Chalivendra, V.B. (2020) Mechanics of Composite, Hybrid and Multi-functional Materials, Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Conference on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, Springer.
6. Kim, Y.K., Chalivendra, V. (2020) “Natural fibre composites (NFCs) for construction and automotive industries,” Handbook of Natural Fibres, Woodhead Publishing, 469-498.
7. Chalivendra, V.B., Song, B., Casem, D. (2012) Proceedings of Dynamic Behavior of Materials, Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-1-4614-4238-7_1

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

(*Graduate student author; **Undergraduate student author)

98. Lincon, M.I.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2024) “Piezo resistance response prediction in multifunctional hybrid composites under dynamic loading conditions using machine learning methods,” Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,

97. Joseph, D.**, Lincon, M.I.*, Chalivendra, V. (2024) “Dynamic fracture characterization of glass fiber composites reinforced with through-thickness nylon fibers,” Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials, 1–14.

96. Lincon, M.*, Chaudhary, B., Matos, H., Chalivendra, V.B., Shukla, A. (2024) “Failure Analysis and Piezo-resistance Response of Intralaminar Glass/Carbon Hybrid Composites Under Blast Loading Conditions,” ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology.

95. Lincon, M.I.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2024) “Dynamic mode-I fracture toughness and damage sensing characterization in additively manufactured ABS nanocomposites,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,

94. Stanford, Z**., Shonar, M.*, Chalivendra, V. (2024) “Quasi-Static Fracture Toughness and Damage Monitoring in Liquid Metal Reinforced Hybrid Composites,” Journal of Composites Science, 8, 25.

93. Correia, J.*, Chalivendra, V., Kim, Y. (2023) “Novel Fiber-Based Padding Materials for Football Helmets,” Fibers, 11, 96.

92. Sousa, R.**, Chalivendra, V. (2023) “Electro-mechanical behavior of multi-functional glass fiber composites under dynamic Mode-I fracture loading,” Journal of Composite Materials,

91. Lincon, M.*, Chalivendra, V. (2023) “Electro-mechanical behavior of multi-functional glass fiber composites under dynamic Mode-I fracture loading,” Applied Composite Materials,

90. Shonar, M.**, Chalivendra, V. (2023) “Piezoresistive damage sensing and mechanical characteristics of carbon/glass hybrid thermoplastic composites,” Journal of Composite Materials.” DOI: 10.1177/00219983231166068

89. Lincon, M.I.*, Chalivendra, V. (2022) “High Strain Rate Damage Sensing in Intra-ply Hybrid Composites Under Dynamic Shear Loading,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 104439.

88. Vaidya, R., Rezaee, T., Edwards, T., Bender, R., Vickneswaran, A., Chalivendra, V. Karim, L. (2022) “Accumulation of fluorescent advanced glycation end products and carboxymethyl-lysine in human cortical and trabecular bone,” Bone Reports, 17. 101634.

87. Letizia, J.**, Chalivendra, V., Li, D. (2022) “Effect of Shear Angle and Printing Orientation on Shear Constitutive Response of Additively Manufactured Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene,” Polymers, 14, 2484.

86. Joyal, N., Chang, Y.C., Shonar, M.**, Chalivendra, V., Shen, C. (2022) “Solid polymer electrolytes with hydrates for structural supercapacitors,” Journal of Energy Storage, 51, 104459.

85. Pires, M.**, Chalivendra, V.B. (2022) “In-Situ Damage Sensing in Intra-ply Glass/Carbon Laminate Composites under Shear Loading,” Journal of Composite Materials, 56(2) 213–222. DOI: 10.1177/00219983211049291

84. Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2021) “Improvement in Interfacial Fracture Toughness of Multi-Material Additively Manufactured Composites Through Thermal Annealing,” Forces in Mechanics, 5, 100051.

83. Yesmin, N.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2021) “Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Laminated Composites with Multi-Scale Reinforcements,” Journal of Composites Science, 5(8), 204. 

82. Kim, Y.K., Chalivendra, V.B., Lewis, A.F., Fasel, B. (2021) “Designing flocked energy-absorbing material layers into sport and military helmet pads, Textile Research Journal,
DOI: 10.1177/00405175211010689

81. Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V.  (2021) “Interfacial Fracture Characterization of Multi-Material Additively Manufactured Polymer Composites,” Composites Part C: Open Access, 5, 100051.

80. Meninno, C.*, Chalivendra, V. (2021) “Damage detection in intra-ply glass/carbon laminated composites under Mode-I and Mode-II fracture loadings” Composites Part B. 218, 108924.

79. O’Donnell, J.*, Chalivendra, V. (2021) “Multi-Functional Glass/Carbon Fibers Hybrid Inter/Intra Laminated Composites,” Composites Part C: Open Access, 2021.

78. Rabbi, M.F.*, Meninno, C.**, Chalivendra, V. (2020) “Damage monitoring of conductive glass fiber/epoxy laminated composites under dynamic mixed-mode fracture loading,” Materials Letters.
77. Meninno, C.**, Chalivendra, V. Kim, Y. (2020) “Electro-flexure Response of Multi-functional Natural Fiber Hybrid Composites,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. DOI: 10.1177/0731684420957396.
76. Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V. (2020) “Strain and damage sensing in additively manufactured CB/ABS polymer composites,” Polymer Testing, 90, 106688.
75. O’Donnell, J.**, Chalivendra, V., Hall, A., Kim, Y. (2020) “Damage Monitoring in Multi-Functional Glass Fiber Composites under Mode-I Fracture Loading,” Journal of Composite Materials, DOI: 10.1177/0021998320939637.
74. Yang, S.*, Chalivendra, V. (2020) “Theoretical modeling and experimental validation of electro-shear behavior of carbon nanotubes embedded epoxy nanocomposite,” International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 177, 105594.
73. Yang, S.*, Meninno, C.**, Chalivendra, V., Kim, Y., (2020) “Electro-bending Behavior of Curved Natural Fiber Laminated Composites,” Composite Structures, 238, 112004.
72. O’Donnell, J.**, Chalivendra, V., Hall, A., Haile, M., Nataraj, L., Coatney, M., Kim, Y. (2020) “Electrical and shear constitutive response of conductive glass fibre/epoxy composites,” Plastics, Rubber and Composites: Macromolecular Engineering, 49, 108-115.
71. Hamedani, Y., Macha, P., Sammeta, V., Chalivendra, V., Vasudev, M.C. (2020) “Electrospinning of Tyrosine-based Oligopeptides: Self-Assembly or Forced Assembly?” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 108(4):829-838.
70. Merlo, K.**, Aaronson, J., Vaidya R., Rezaee, T., Chalivendra, V., Karim, L. (2019) “In vitro induced high sugar environments deteriorate human cortical bone elastic modulus and fracture toughness,” Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 38(5), 972-983.
69. Correia, J.*, Chalivendra, V., Kim, Y. (2020) “Parametric study of a fibrous energy absorbing material under impact shear loading,” Composite Structures, 232, 111583.
68. Yang, S.*, Chalivendra, V., Kim, K. (2019) “Electro-fracture Studies of Natural Fiber Composites,” Journal of Natural Fibers,
67. Chakravarty, J., Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V., Ferreira, T., Brigham C.J. (2020) “Mechanical and biological properties of chitin/polylactide (PLA)/hydroxyapatite (HAP) composites cast using ionic liquid solutions,” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 151, 1213-1223.
66. Sherman, R.**, Chalivendra, V., Hall, A., Haile, M., Nataraj, L., Coatney, M., Kim, Y. (2109) “Electro-mechanical characterization of three-dimensionally conductive graphite/epoxy composites under tensile and shear loading,” Composites Communications, 15, 30-33.
65. Sherman, R.**, Chalivendra, V., Hall, A., Haile, M., Nataraj, L., Coatney, M., Kim, Y. (2019) “Characterization of electro-mechanical response in novel carbon fiber composite materials,” Journal of Composite Materials, 53(19), 2675-2686.
64. Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Li, D. (2019) “A Novel Approach to Increase Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Additively Manufactured Polymer,” Experimental Mechanics,
63. Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V. (2019) “Mathematical modeling of viscoelastic material under impact load,” The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 54(2), 130-138.
62. O’Donnell, J., Chalivendra, V., Hall, A., Haile, M., Nataraj, L., Coatney, M., Kim, Y. (2019) “Electro-mechanical studies of multi-functional glass fiber/epoxy reinforced composites,” Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 38(11), 506-520.
61. Li, J., Yang, S.*, Li, D., Chalivendra, V. “Numerical and experimental studies of additively manufactured polymers for enhanced fracture properties,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 204: 557-569, 2018.
60. Fodor, K.*, Chalivendra, V., Kim, Y., Lewis, A.F. (2019) “Dynamic mechanical behavior of flocked layer composite materials,” Composite Structures, 207, 677-683.
59. Chakravarty, J., Rabbi, M.F.*, Bach, N.**, Chalivendra, V., Yang, C-L., Brigham, C. (2018) “Fabrication of porous chitin membrane using ionic liquid and subsequent characterization and modelling studies,” Carbohydrate Polymers, 198, 443-451.
58. Yang, S.*, Chalivendra, V., Kim, Y. (2018) “Damage sensing in multi-functional hybrid natural fiber composites under shear loading,” Smart materials and Structures, 27, 115034.
57. Yang, S.*, Chalivendra, V.B. Benjamin, E., Kim, Y. (2019) “Electrical Response of Novel Carbon Nanotubes Embedded and Carbon Fiber Z-axis Reinforced Jute/Epoxy Laminated Composites,” Polymer Composites, 50, E1189-E1198.

56. Nataraj, L., Coatney, M., Hall, A., Haile, M., Sherman, R.**, O’Donnell, J.**, Chalivendra, V. (2018) “Early-Stage Damage Detection in Advanced Multifunctional Aerospace Composites Using Embedded Carbon Nanotubes and Flocked Carbon Fibers,” Proceedings, 2(8), 490.

55. Rabbi, M.F.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Kim, Y. (2018) “Dynamic constitutive response of novel auxetic Kevlar®/epoxy composites,” Composite Structures, 195, 1-3.
54. Shkolnik, K.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2017) “Numerical studies of electrical contacts of carbon nanotubes-embedded epoxy under tensile loading,” Acta Mechanica, DOI 10.1007/s00707-017-1955-8.
53. Liu, J.*, Chalivendra, V.B. and Huang, W. (2017) “Finite element based contact analysis of radio frequency MEMs switch membrane surfaces,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 27, 105012.
52. Yong Kim, John Rice, Vijay Chalivendra, Armand Lewis (2017), Flock fibre-reinforced laminar composites for improved Mode I fracture toughness, January-February, JEC Composites Magazine.
51. Sen Yang*, Vijaya B. Chalivendra, Yong K. Kim (2017) “Fracture and impact characterization of novel auxetic Kevlar /Epoxy laminated composites,” Composite Structures, 168, 120–129.
50. Sirisha Mukkavalli, Vijay Chalivendra, Bal Ram Singh (2017) “Physico-chemical analysis of herbally prepared silver nanoparticles and its potential as a drug bioenhancer,” Open Nano, 2, 19-27.
49. Stuckey, J.P.**, Chalivendra, V.B., Haile, M.A and Hall, A.J. (2017) “Damage Detection in Epoxy Embedded Carbon Nanotubes Using Electrical Resistance and Acoustic Emission,” Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics, 7 (3).
48. Kehail, A.A., Rabbi, M.R.*, Bach, N.**, Chalivendra, V. and Brigham, C. (2017) “Modeling mechanical properties of polyhydroxyalkanoate during degradation in animal tissue,” Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 28 (12), 1879-1883.
47. Benoit, S.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Rice, M. Doleski, R. (2016) “Characterization of the Microstructure, Fracture, and Mechanical Properties of Aluminum Alloys 7085-O and 7175-T7452 Hollow Cylinder Extrusions,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 47 (9), 4476-4483.
46. Kehail, A.A., Boominathan, V., Fodor, K.**, Chalivendra, V., Ferreira, T and Brigham, C.J. (2016)  “In Vivo and In Vitro Degradation Studies for Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) Biopolymer,” Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 25 (2), 296-307.
45. Pinto, M.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Kim, Y.K. and Lewis, A.F. (2016) “Improving the strength and service life of jute/epoxy laminar composites for structural applications,” Composite Structures, 156, 333-337.
44. Schell, J.Y., Wilks, B.T., Patel, M., Franck, C., Chalivendra, V., Cao, X., Shenoy, V.B. and Morgan, J.R. (2016) “Harnessing cellular-derived forces in self-assembled microtissues to control the synthesis and alignment of ECM,” Biomaterials, 77, 120-129.
43. Bach, M.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Aleves, C.**, Depina, E**. “Mechanical characterization of natural biodegradable sandwich materials,” Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials, 19 (4), 482-496, 2015.
42. Kehail, A.A., Foshey, M.**, Chalivendra, V. and Brigham, C.J.(2015) “Thermal and mechanical characterization of solvent-cast poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate),” Journal of Polymer Research, 22, 216.
41. Wanasekara, N.D.*, Ghosh, S., Chen, M., Chalivendra, V.B., Bhowmick, S.B. “Effect of Stiffness of Micron/Sub-Micron Electrospun Fibers in Cell Seeding,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 103(7):2289-99, 2015.
40. Cardoso, S.M.*, O’Connell, C.D.*, Pivonka, R., Mooney, C., Chalivendra, V.B., Shukla, A. and Yang, S.Z. “Effect of External Loads on Damage Detection of Rubber-Toughened Nanocomposites Using Carbon Nanotubes Sensory Network,” Polymer Composites, 37 (2), 360-369, 2016.
39. Pinto, M.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Kim, Y.K. and Lewis, A. (2013) “Effect of Surface Treatment and Z-axis Reinforcement on the Interlaminar Fracture of Jute/Epoxy Laminated Composites,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 114, 104-114, 2013.
38. Sun, L.*, Wanasekara, N.D., Chalivendra, V.B., Calvert, P.D. (2015) “Nano-mechanical studies on polyglactin sutures subjected to in vitro hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation,” Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15, 93-99.
37. Pinto, M.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Kim. Y.K., Lewis, A.M., (2014) “Evaluation of Surface Treatment and Fabrication Methods for Jute Fiber/Epoxy Laminar Composites,” Polymer Composites, 35(2), 310-317.
36. Huang, W., Liu, J.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Ceglarek, D., Kong, Z. and Zhou Y. (2013) “Statistical Modal Analysis (SMA) for Variation Characterization and Application in Manufacturing Quality Control,” IIE Transactions, 46(5), 497-511.
35. Vadlamani, V.K.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Shukla, A., Yang, S. (2012) “In-situ sensing of Non-linear Deformation and Damage in Epoxy Particulate Composites”, Smart Materials and Structures, 21(7), 075011.
34. Wanasekara, N.D.*, Chalivendra, V.B. and Calvert, P.D. (2012) “Effect of Accelerated Ultraviolet and Thermal Exposure on Nano-scale Mechanical Properties of Nylon            Fibers”, Polymer Engineering and Science, 52(11), 2482-2488.
33. Cardoso, S.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Shukla, A. and Yang, S. (2012)”Damage detection in the fracture process zone of rubber toughened epoxy using carbon nanotube sensory network”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 96, 380-391.
32. Vadlamani, V.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Shukla, A. and Yang, S. (2012) “Sensing of Damage in Carbon Nanotubes and Carbon Black Reinforced Epoxy Composites under Tensile Loading,” Polymer Composites, 33(10), 1809-1815.
31. Heeder, N.*, Shukla, A., Chalivendra, V.B., Yang, S.Z. (2012) “Sensitivity and dynamic electrical response of CNT-reinforced nanocomposites,” Journal of Materials Science, 47, 3808-3816.
30. Abotula, S., Kidane, A., Chalivendra, V.B. and Shukla, A. (2012) “Dynamic curved cracks in functionally graded materials under thermo-mechanical loading”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, 1637-1655.
29. Gupta, S., Abotula, S., Chalivendra, V.B., Shukla, A. and Chona, R. (2012) “Transient thermo-mechanical analysis of dynamic curving cracks in functionally graded       materials”, Acta Mechanica, 223(7), 1485-1506.
28. Dannemann, K., Chalivendra, V.B. and Song, B. (2012) “Dynamic Behavior of Materials”, Experimental Mechanics, Editorial to Special Issue, 52(2), 117-118.
27. Heeder, N., Shukla, A., Chalivendra, V.B., Yang, S.Z. and Park, K. (2012), “Electrical Response of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposites Under Static and Dynamic        Loading,“ Experimental Mechanics, 52, 315-322.
26. Bender, S.*, Chalivendra, V.B., Rahbar N. El Wakil, S. (2012), “Mechanical characterization and modeling of graded porous stainless steel specimens for possible bone implant applications,” International Journal of Engineering Science, 53, 67–73.
25. Wanasekara, N.D.*, Chalivendra, V.B. and Calvert, P.D., (2011) “Sub-micron Scale Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Fibers Exposed to Ultraviolet and Thermal    Degradation,” Polymer Degradation and Stability, 96, 432-437.
24. Bender, S.*, El Wakil, S.D. and Chalivendra, V.B. (2011), “Fabrication and Charactersation of Powder Metallurgy Parts having Porosity Gradient, Powder Metallurgy, 54(5), 599-603.
23. Wanasekara, N.D.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2010), “Role of Surface Roughness on Wettability and Coefficient of Restitution in Butterfly Wings,” Soft Matter, 7, 373-379.
22. Aboutla, S.*, Chalivendra, V.B., (2010) “Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Static and Dynamic Constitutive Behavior of Aluminum Alloys,” Journal of Strain     Analysis for Engineering Design, 45(8), 555-565.
21. Kiddane, A., Chalivendra, V.B. and Shukla, A. (2010), “Thermo-Mechanical Stress Fields and Strain Energy associated with a Mixed-Mode Propagating Crack,” Acta Mechanica,  215(1-4), 57-69.
20. Kiddane, A., Chalivendra, V.B. and Shukla, A., Chona, R. (2010), “Mixed-mode dynamic crack propagation in graded materials under thermo-mechanical loading,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 77(14), 2864-2880.
19. Rousseau, C.-E., Chalivendra, V.B., Tippur, H. and Shukla, A. (2010) “Experimental Fracture Mechanics of Functionally Graded Materials: An Overview of Optical       investigations,” Experimental Mechanics, 50(7), 845-865.
18. Maclure, A.*, Chalivendra, V.B. and Ramotowski, T. (2009), “Effect of Pressure Cycling on Fracture Energy of Polyurethane/Aluminum Adhesive Bonds,” Journal of Adhesion, 85(12), 869-888.
17. Chalivendra, V. B., Hong, S., Arias, I., Knap, J., Rosakis, A., Ortiz, M. (2009), “Experimental validation of large-scale simulations of dynamic fracture along weak         planes,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 36(7), 888-898.
16. Chalivendra, V. B. (2009), “Mixed-mode Crack-tip Stress Fields for Orthotropic Functionally Graded Materials,” Acta Mechanica, 204(1), 51-60.
15. Crowley, J.*, Chalivendra, V.B. (2008) “Mechanical Characterization of Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene-Hydroxyapatite Nanocomposites,” Biomedical-materials        and Engineering, 18(3), 149-160.
14. Lee, K.H., Chalivendra, V. B. and Shukla, A. (2008) “Thermo-Mechanical Stress and Displacement Fields for Propagating Crack Tip in Functionally Graded Materials,”          ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 75, 1-7.
13. Chalivendra, V. B. (2008), “Mode-I Crack-tip Stress Fields for Inhomogeneous Orthotropic Medium,” Mechanics of Materials, 40, 293-301.
12. Chalivendra, V. B. and Rosakis, A.J., (2008), “Interaction of dynamic mode-I cracks with inclined interfaces,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75, 2385-2397.
11. Chalivendra, V. B., (2007), “Asymptotic analysis of a transient crack in functionally graded materials,” International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44, 465-479.
10. Arias, I., Knap, J., Chalivendra, V. B., Hong, S., Ortiz, M., and Rosakis, A.J., (2007), “Numerical modeling and experimental validation of dynamic fracture events along weak planes,” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 196, 3833-3840.
9. Xia, K., Chalivendra, V. B., and Rosakis, A.J., (2006), “Observing Ideal “Self-similar” Crack Growth in experiments,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 73, 2748-2755.
8. Xia, K., Chalivendra, V. B., and Rosakis, A.J., (2006), “Spontaneous Mixed-mode Fracture in Bonded Similar and Dissimilar Materials,” Experimental Mechanics, 46, 163-171.
7. Chalivendra, V. B., and Shukla, A., (2005), “Transient Elastodynamic crack growth in Functionally Graded Materials,” ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, March, 72, 237-248.
6. Chalivendra, V. B., Shukla, A., Bose, A. and Parameswaran, V. (2003) “Processing and Mechanical Characterization of Lightweight Polyurethane Composites,” Journal of Materials Science, 38(8), 1631-1643.
5. Chalivendra, V. B., Shukla, A., and Parameswaran, V. (2003), “Quasi-Static Stress Fields for a Crack Inclined to the Property Gradation in Functionally Graded Materials,” Acta Mechanica, 162, 167-184.
4. Chalivendra, V. B., Shukla, A., and Parameswaran, V. (2002), “Dynamic Out of Plane Displacement Fields for an Inclined Crack in Graded Materials,” Journal of Elasticity, 69, 99-119.
3. Shukla, A., Chalivendra, V. B., Parameswaran, V. and Lee, K. H., (2003), “Photoelastic Investigation of Interfacial Fracture Between Orthotropic and Isotropic Materials,” Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 40, 307-324.
2. Ricci, V., Shukla, A., Chalivendra, V. B., Lee, K. H. (2003), “Subsonic interfacial fracture using strain gages in an isotropic orthotropic biomaterial,” Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 39(2), 143-161.
1. Lee, K.H., Shukla, A., Parameswaran, V., Chalivendra, V. B., and Hawong, J. S. (2002), “Static and Dynamic Fracture Analysis for the Interface Crack of Isotropic – Orthotropic Bimaterial,” KSME International Journal, 16, 2, 165-174.